Ten Geeky Things About Rosalind

So, I was tagged by Ruth to be given a blog award started by Angela at High on Life.

The Geek Girls Unite award!

And here are the rules:
List ten geeky facts about yourself and…
Pass this award onto your favorite female geeks!

1. I tend to capture, examine, and sometimes scare and release insects that are in my home instead of squishing them.

2. I own and have read the Physics of Star Trek, the Biology of Star Trek, the Star Trek Encyclopedia, and the Star Trek Chronology,

3. I write fanfiction. When I was young, it was mostly Star Trek, now it’s Supernatural.

4. I want to go visit Vancouver o that I can try and find the places that are in the X-files, Stargate, BSG, and Supernatural.

5. I have played Star Wars music (Leia’s Theme) on the piano in church.

6. I have had a rather serious crush on Wil Wheaton since I was about 12.

7. I’ve read the entire Robots and Foundation combined series by Issac Asimov

8. I do logic puzzles to relax.

9. I love the animated Hobbit. I must have watched it a million times as a kid, and can sing along to all the songs.

10. I have a small collection of stuffed microbes. Mostly bacteria, including E. coli, Shigella, and Clostridium and a brown algae.

I would like to pass this award onto and tag Emily at SciFabulous and Lorien Green at Board Game Doc.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eleni
    Jun 07, 2010 @ 21:36:20

    Yes! Wesley Crusher was my very first TV-show, uh, crush.

    A trip to Vancouver would be great! My dream vacation would be to New Zealand to track down the beautiful locations where different scenes in Lord of the Rings were shot. I live in Honolulu, so I know a few of the places where scenes from Lost were filmed, which is kind of fun.


    • girlsaregeeks
      Jun 07, 2010 @ 22:47:35

      Thanks for the comment! I just popped by your blog to read your list, love it! I am also a musical nut. I have fully memorized Rent and Jesus Christ Superstar, and damn near all of Les Miserables, Wicked, Avenue Q, Into the Woods (I musically directed this one, so it’s almost cheating), and most of the Disney movies (also a Disney fanatic). Great job going for your PhD, I got one in aquatic ecology, and you can do it! Living in Hawaii sounds awesome. I visited there once before Lost existed, and mostly made my family nuts with ecology and adaptive radiation references. Also, I like humuhumunukunukuapua’a fish.

      Oh, and in general. Wil Wheaton has always and will continue to make me swoon. And if you head to New Zealand, I’m totally in.


  2. Ruth
    Jun 07, 2010 @ 22:01:18

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Most excellent geekness. ProfX does the catch & release thing too, though not from biologist’s curiosity just because bugs are friends, not food.

    Oh, Wil Wheaton. Had crush on. Was embarrassed by crush on. Forgot. Discovered. Have bigger crush on. 😀


  3. Amy
    Jun 08, 2010 @ 17:12:18

    Re: Vancouver – me too! And then I want to make an exact map of where all the locations are to make it easier for other fans. 🙂

    Wil Wheaton is how I became a geek. True story. And like Ruth, I also have a bigger crush on him now because he is made of awesome.

    Really geekalicious list, thanks for posting! 😀


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June 2010